After taking the prescribed medication, Antoine still displayed a few symptoms of his intestinal tract. This was easily resolved by isolating what he ate and how long ago and some good ol' fashioned medicine. The more I examined him the more I saw him getting an erection. As I checked his groin area with my stethoscope, his erection was very noticeable and throbbing. I couldn't send him into the x-ray room like that so I took matters into my own hands and helped the kid relieve his tension. The look of surprise on his face when I blew him was precious. I could tell he was new to guy on guy sex when he blew kinda made me feel special knowing I was prolly one of his firsts. I knew I was in for a treat the second he ate my ass like nobody's business. His hot tongue going in and around my hole made it so juicy I knew he was gonna bang me like a screen door in a hurricane; and that he did! With each thrust he pumped load after load out of my prostate and it felt so fucken good!